Mercy Center
Dreams: Healing and Wholeness $25.00
Why do we dream? How do you explore your dream content? What are the anima, animus, archetypes, shadow, nightmares, frightful dreams, numinous dreams, and repetitive dreams? Fr. Bill explores the meaning of dreams and dreaming with some simple step-by-step techniques for dream work. This is useful for spiritual directors and inner healing providers.
When Boundaries Are Betrayed $25.00
How do you establish healthy boundaries? What happens if you don’t have healthy physical, emotional, social, and spiritual boundaries? When boundaries are betrayed, how do you heal the wounds and mend the psychological and spiritual damage? Explore some simple applications of how to build boundaries, heal the trauma of betrayal, and resolve co-dependency related issues.
In Search of the Masculine $25.00
What is healthy masculinity? How can men today redefine their manhood, fatherhood, and brotherhood without being reduced to stupidity or putty? Men need to understand their anima, how to access feminine energy, and how to manage this powerful source of life and energy. Balance and proportion can be found through inner work and the door to enter begins with a man’s dream world and the intimate knowing of his inner woman.
Personal Assessment of Our Shadow $15.00
If you are in the helping profession, then you must maintain a conscious awareness of your shadow content. What you cannot love or honor within yourself becomes the fertile ground for either an infatuation or repulsion with your clients, directees, family, and friends. Learn how to explore your shadow content, learn to love and integrate your unloved and unnamed potential, and begin to meet God in your undiscovered self.
Power Shadow - Hospitality or Hostage $15.00
Anyone in the helping, healing or leadership role will need to keep tabs on his/her power shadow. Left unattended the power shadow can influence helpers to become fanatical, whimsical, autocratic or dictatorial. If the power shadow is kept in hospitality, a helper can learn how to empower, enliven and evoke incredible amounts of creativity and imagination within themselves and others.
In Search of the Feminine $15.00
What is healthy femininity? What are some of the archetypal images women can draw from so as to understand the healthy woman? Elizabeth Whippern explores with a group of women how to access feminine power without losing what is natural and good for women. She uses stories, myths to help women understand their inner beauty and uniqueness.
Healing Repulsions: Loving the Unwanted Parts of Our self $15.00
Are you obsessing about the faults and character flaws of another person? Do you maintain resentment or bitterness towards another person? Are you quickly irritated and annoyed by a co-worker, family member, friend? Are you ready to heal the repulsion - projection you are caught up with? Learn how to detox a projection and disarm the repulsive emotions that can lead you to a greater awareness of yourself and your unwanted and unloved self.
Detoxing Infatuations: Embracing Your Hidden Potential $15.00
Have you become blinded by romantic love? Do you obsess about a relationship(s) and use most of your day dreaming about this person? Have you lost your perspective on the rest of your life while trying to manage a relationship(s) that has consumed you? Are you attracted to someone of the same sex and wonder why? Learn how to become aware of hidden potential demonstrated by those to whom you are attracted and those for whom you have strong affections.
St. John of the Cross $25.00
St. John of the Cross offers us an understanding of God’s presence in our life as we journey through the spiritual life. His explanation of the dark night of the senses and the dark night of the soul shows us how God works through our pain, the transformation process and our conversion experiences.
St. Teresa of Avila $50.00
An Exploration of the Seven Dwelling Places.
St. Teresa of Avila takes us on a tour of the Seven Dwelling Places and helps us to understand the language of symbolism that we encounter along the way of transformation. Each of the Seven Dwelling Places invites us into a deeper relationship with God and helps shape us into the image and likeness of the God of love.
Fr. Bill Jarema invites us to move into this relationship of mysticism and shows us how to cope well with the unpredictability and hair-pin curves of the spiritual life. Each tape provides stories and examples of how we can participate consciously and willingly in the conversion process.
Healing the Father Wound 45.00
What is it that our fathers and mothers were to impart to us as children? Learn the importance of Dad’s contributions to our psycho-social-sexual development.
Learning how to begin to heal our father wound will be explored as we discover the consequences to healing, change, and growth in our lives. In this tape you will better understand your growing edge, ego development, and how to find the gift in the pain.
Forgiving Our Fathers: How to Forgive Well
How do you let go of the past hurts caused by significant losses in your family? Learn the three steps to forgiving well and understand the power of healing of memories and resolving trauma. We can be used by God for the sake of another and assist our families in the healing and recovery process.
Adequate Fathering & Mothering: Relationship is the Core of Parenting.
Self-knowledge is required for growth in holiness. How do we learn to become at home with yourself? Statistics in the United States show the impact of the absent father syndrome. Learn what father hunger is about. How do you maintain a healthy relationship and discover a second chance father and mother?
Rebuilding Our Container: Healing Our Sexuality
What is healthy sexuality and how do we heal our sexual wounds? Discover healthy spirituality and sexuality in balance and proportion. Learn the power of choice making and the gift of free will. Understand the power of feelings and emotions and how to become responsible for your choices. In the end, you design yourself by the choices you make.
Healing the Mother Wound $45.00
Exploring the Blessings and the Burdens
Healing the Mother Wound: Life Skills from Effective Mothering
Includes the adult life skills that our mothers impart to us. These are embodiment, affectivity, and relationship, connection, touch, bond, affiliate, relate, express, attach, and include.
Power and Impact of the Mother Wound
Includes the struggles a person will have if they are missing their mother’s contributions to our adult life skills such as belonging, intimacy, relating and love addiction.
Healing Our Birth Right: In the Beginning We Are Called by Name:
Includes the biblical blessings each of us have and the importance of our family heritage.
Loss Letters to Mom: Healing Our Original Innocence: Includes how to access ritual grieving, retrieve it, replace it or release it and the power of the Prayer for Reconciliation.
The Exalted Cross: Intercessory Prayer with the Seven Sorrows of Mary
Includes an extensive inner healing prayer with reflections on Veneration of the Cross.
Theology of Evil $25.00
How does evil impact our life and choices? This presentation by Fr. Bill Jarema explores theology issues such as: religious abuse and spiritual addiction, a misuse of the deliverance ministry, new age theology, cults, the occult, and Satanism, discernment of spirits, temptation, oppression and possession, sexual secrets and spiritualizing secrets.
A Spirituality of Common Sense: Mysticism or Madness $15.00
How do you practice longevity while serving in the helping and healing profession? Spirituality of Common Sense outlines concrete suggestions on how to remain healthy and vibrant while providing essential services to those you serve. The skills to dwell in mysticism and the bad habits of madness are outlined for the skilled helper. One can provide great blessings while the other creates dysfunction and ill health.
Achieving the Serenity Prayer:
Learning How to Let Go and Surrender $15.00
The Serenity prayer is the template for gaining the wisdom in letting go of those life experiences that you cannot change while embracing the courage to change those things in your life that can be changed. Wisdom comes from the learned lessons of both making good and bad choices. Achieving the Serenity prayer becomes a disciplined way of life.
Healing Anger, Anxiety, Fear and Grief $15.00
Each emotion that we create has a specific message. Learn the message of anger, anxiety, fear and grief so that you can learn how to communicate clearly the message of each emotion without abusing the emotional charge of each.